Comment by mihaaly

1 day ago

The situation was not something existed since the beginning of time, it evolved gradually. Long ago not that much and not that many critically private data was circulating the net, it increased and got essential living online by time, in some instances forced in an increasing portion of situations. Worry then had no grounds yet. As exposure of the population grew, so did the benefit for adverse elements breaking online data stores, growing in numbers fast, not all made properly in the headless chase of success. Damage and hence awareness grew gradually.

But basically yes, people are stupid and gave no shit but believed all f nonsense, the marketing frauds made them eating up their crap happy if it had pretty words and pictures, promising something halfway to Paradise. Like the Cloud mirage. Those of careful personality were cautious since the first time Apple and alike pushed on people giving up control over their own data for tiny comfort (or no comfort eventually due to all hostile patterns in the full picture) not putting all and every precious or slightly valuable stuff to some unknown server on the internet protected only by hundreds of years old method: password (so not protected at all essentially). Memories, contacts, schedules, communications, documents, clone of their devices in full, putting all into 'cloud' (much before secure online storage became a thing)? Many times to the very same one? Who are that much idiots, really?!