Comment by BizarroLand
19 hours ago
Depends on the town. 8 police in a 4.2 square mile town of less than 3,000 is reasonable, maybe overkill.
*Edit: Unless what you're saying is that there's no way that 8 people given so much authority with minimal oversight is not going to lead to corruption, in which case I agree.
Alabama has a lot of racist cops because the racism is so deeply ingrained in the culture that you can't even tell who is racist and who is just acting normal in the social context.
I had to move away to realize that being followed around grocery stores as a brown kid isn't "normal".
My neighbor and I are good friends, but he's a southerner and when he talks to coon-ass southerners he drops n-bombs and the like. Not meanly, in the same tone as "he drove a nissan".
I got to see something amazing a few years ago. My youngest and I were over there and some coon-ass he knew drove up and asked him about a part they were waiting to get delivered. The bomb was dropped, and immediately after the other person left he apologized to me "I forgot your kid was here, sorry" ; and I knew from his face it actually took 30 seconds to process what he had just said in front of a 5 year old.
Our conversations never enter racism territory even when the subject would be ripe for it if you couldnt help yourself at all.
Hope this made sense.
edit: in context it was like "the part showed up yet?" "nope, the nbomb fedex driver is late" "oh, alright. I'll call you in an hour when i get back from town." "k, seeya" he's 20 years my elder, but i also frequent mastodon where it is most CERTAINLY not used in this way.