Comment by tomcam

1 day ago

I’m well past 60 and seem to have something approximating bad ADHD. I became financially very successful by being fairly obsessed with one thing at a time: software and services companies, real estate, etc. For many years, this meant leaving extra things like guitar practice to the middle of the night. My goal since before marriage was to balance my primary jobs out with family time, which also means caring for handicapped family members. I succeeded. I have never been able to balance work, life, and health altogether, unfortunately. So I’m diabetic and overweight.

I too tried many forms of organization and always ended up abandoning them. What has worked with me was being very focused on the main project and using all kinds of gross little ad hoc ways to keep it going.

There is a second version of me for day each day’s tasks and requirements. That person was revolutionized by phones that understand voice input. I use the one from Apple but I think it’s utterly horrible. However, it is still good enough for me to use about 15 alarms per day that say things like “set an alarm to Get the boys’ laundry at 4 PM“. I have daily alarms to remind me to do things like feed the chickens, and monthly alarms to do things like pay bills or change batteries. I have an annual calendar entry with a master list of things I need to do every month or year.

So the long-term project me is pretty good at planning things in my head and a couple of lists in the source code or source code repos. The short term is completely interrupt-driven.

I am not recommending this system for everyone, or anyone at all. All I can say is that it works well for me, even though it is aesthetically brutal.

Setting constant reminders is a good life hack. Sometimes I wonder if I might be better at life with a haptic tap on the wrist every ten minutes, like just a nudge to think if I am doing what I want to do.

  • I have an Apple Watch app that does this! It's called Tap Me Every X Minutes.[1] (I'm not the creator, no affiliation, just a happy user.)

    Every so often I'll decide to track/log my time and activities every 15 minutes over a few days, just to keep tabs on where my time and energy are really going. This app fits the bill: it's silent and unobtrusive to others and it's never failed to perform properly for me. I just wish it had an option to display a countdown timer for the upcoming tap.


  • The real trick would be for it to be able to tell whether what you're doing is what you want to be doing so it doesn't interrupt you when you already are.

    • You can use a thumb counter (a small clicker on your thumb) to count how many times you were able to get yourself back on track