Comment by MasterYoda

1 day ago

According to experts, there have been no cable breaks of this type for over a decade in the Baltic Sea and now suddenly there have been about 5 in just 1,5 year, at a time when ruzzia is conducting aggressive hybrid warfare and the last 2 ships discovered were also Chinese ships, a country that supports ruzzia and one ship had a ruzzian captain and they also seem to belong to the ruzzian shadow fleet.

Several of the ships have also gone to / from ruzzian ports and behaved strangely, for example zig zagged over the cable before, turned off the transponder, drifted around etc. which ships do not normally do.

Suddenly, cable breaks in the Baltic Sea are 26 times higher than in the rest of the world, it can not be dismissed as "accidents". These cables have not broken by chance, according to experts, but this is a deliberate act.