Comment by trod1234

18 days ago

I dislike articles like this because they tend to get the details wrong, while having things that sound plausible, but still poorly defining the problem.

The article does little more than promote and repeat the same arguments that led to each one of the things mentioned as negatives, with somehow this time will be different.

I hate to be the one to say this, but if the problem has repeated itself over decades, its not the subject matter but the type of people involved.

The subject matter changes, and you get the same result. The only thing that does not change are the people involved, and when you look at who is involved specifically it comes down to the bureacratic administrators, and the NEA special interests that receive the most weight. They are the experts after all.

After a certain amount of time, the only way these things are still a problem is because it was intended to be that way by someone involved. Education is hardly rocket science.

Ask yourself why Critical Thinking and Reasoning doesn't really happen until college? Philosophy used to be included in all basic education starting around 3rd-4th grade. It has since largely been withheld, but anyone receiving this education scores significantly higher than those that don't.

Food for thought, Trivium based curricula stood the test of time for hundreds of years, it was not until people started tinkering and removing things that we started having these problems.

If you teach kids critical thinking they won't believe in religious fairytales anymore.

  • If you teach them critical thinking, they won't believe in false ideology anymore which would normally blind them to everything else.

    Some people are working real hard towards extinction.