Comment by bustling-noose

18 days ago

The article almost got it right ‘emotions, peer pressure, temptations’ and how people spend money on things they don’t need and then got it wrong by not actually saying what’s important.

Money management and financial literacy involves psychology along with math. So does sex education like the article compares it to. Having sex or spending money is not the problem. Nor is putting fear of the two in your head from a young age or the desire for it.

As Charlie munger said - psychology should be taught from a young age. Maybe the most important topic missing from education.

Spending money isn’t bad and having sex isn’t either. But saving for a future you’ve dreamt of and sex with a loved one is better. This involves less math and sex education and more psychology and mental well being.

If you are a 30 something politician looking for a change and understand psychology, you might want to visit schools and give children hope and mental well being tips. They might vote for you in 15 years.

Hell, you might want to visit communities and give adults hope and emotional well being tips and they might vote for you now. It's not just kids who need this and frankly adults probably realize they need it more than kids.