Comment by crusty

16 hours ago

"I use an ad-blocker, don't have a paid account, and have 0 followers. What benefit do you think Elon Musk is getting here?"

This is basically my interaction from the beginning - a lurker account if you will, with occasional comments. And I rarely used it because I could just add easily pull up a profile and see a user's posts. But then the profile page presentation changed. Often, it seems to force a login, and if it doesn't, it randomizes the post order, so the latest posts are buried, and some random posts from the Twitter era are at the top.

So now we have to be logged in just to lurk. We're not seeing ads or driving conversations, but if I'm following users, I'm a point of incentivizing for them to stay. Small point? For sure, but I'm part of the aggregate. And even without following anyone, we're also a userbase metric for Twitter. We add to the daily active user count, monthly active user count, and now that everyone has to have an account to even view a profile's posts in chronological order, we're all are in that artifically grown general claim of user count.

No, we are not actively shoveling ad revenue at Musk, but our continued presence is definitely useful for him and X when they pitch the platform to advertisers or try to get a better ad rate. More active users > more ad reach, even if we'll never actually see the ad > more money for X > more money for Elon.

I haven't deleted that X account, but i don't visit on my own or log in anymore. I refuse to give him even the value of my interaction metrics.