Comment by vvillena

17 hours ago

In today's world, it would be under Ctrl+F -> "insurance". If it were on physical paper, it would be on the folder containing the important documents.

Over-reliance on hierarchy has been identified as a double edged sword of these organizational systems. Hierarchy is only useful when the hierarchy itself matters, e.g. when "grab all documents about this" is a use case, keeping such documents together matters. If the use case is finding one particular document, we have better tools than hierarchy for that, and any time spent on organization is more or less wasted when a good file name and simple storage rules do the work better, and are irrelevant for modern retrieval methods.

Hierarchy is where taxonomy fights break out; tagging is the way, the truth, and the light. That's one of the many, many reasons I love 1Password over Bitwarden. I don't need folders I need tags. Same for Firefox's infinitely better bookmarking system than Chrome's, for the same reason