Comment by inthewind

12 years ago

Further, I can see why you'd prefer say a conversation to happen on HN then say on Youtube! Being able to comment too easily can make for dull and worthless ill thoughtout comments. But breaking down that barrier is also a social lubricant.

I personally don't have my own blog, I just throw comments into the wind on the web. If I were to host my own blog, I probably wouldn't add a comment system for fear that I'd want to censor or moderate them! But I'd welcome feedback.

My preference may be to have people email me their thoughts and for me to then add feedback to articles at a later time. This might be a little burdensome and not practical whatsoever.

To many the discussion is in part the article. And it feels too difficult to be at every table at the same time.

You could be absent from the conversation and leave your right to reply for a post mortem on your posts. You could do that by hunting down comments and discussions after the fact.

Who'll go back and how will they know to read your post mortem anyway?

It reminds me why I'm not a blogger or a journalist!