Comment by crispyambulance
2 days ago
Every time I see stuff like this it makes me think about optical design software.
There are applications (Zemax, for example) that are used to design optical systems (lens arrangements for cameras, etc). These applications are eye-wateringly expensive-- like similar in pricing to top-class EDA software licenses.
With the abundance GPU's and modern UI's, I wonder how much work would be involved for someone to make optical design software that blows away the old tools. It would be ray-tracing, but with interesting complications like accounting for polarization, diffraction, scattering, fluorescence, media effects beyond refraction like like birefringence and stuff like Kerr and Pockels, etc.
This, very much this!
I do research in a subfield of optics called nonimaging optics (optics for energy transfer, e.g. solar concentrators or lighting systems). We typically use these optical design applications, and your observations are absolutely correct. Make some optical design software that uses GPUs for raytracing, reverse-mode autodiff for optimization, sprinkle in some other modern techniques you may blow these older tools out of the water.
I am hoping to be able to get some projects going in this direction (feel free to reach out if anyone are interested).
PS: I help organize an academic conference my subfield of optics. We run a design competition this year [1,2]. Would be super cool if someone submits a design that they made by drawing inspiration from modern computer graphics tools (maybe using Mitsuba 3, by one of the authors of this book?), instead of using our classical applications in the field.
> I am hoping to be able to get some projects going in this direction (feel free to reach out if anyone are interested).
This does sound interesting! I’ve just finished a Masters degree, also in non-imaging optics (in my case oceanographic lidar systems). I have experience in raytracing for optical simulation, though not quite in the same sense as optical design software. How should I contact you to learn more?
Interesting! I added an email address to my profile now
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Sounds a bit like
Yes, exactly. I have not looked at Mitsuba 2, but Mitsuba 3 is absolutely along these lines. It is just starting to be picked up by some of the nonimaging/illumination community, e.g. there was a paper last year from Aurele Adam's group at TU Delft where they used it for optimizing a "magic window" [1]. Some tradeoffs and constraints are a bit different when doing optical design versus doing (inverse) rendering, but it definitely shows what is possible.
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This is one example of an area where economic incentives make it difficult to shift.
As a result, you end up with a small handful of players who provide it. They have little incentive to modernize, and the opportunity cost for a new player high enough to chase most of them off to other avenues.
I think the main way this changes is when someone has already spend the money in an adjacent area, and realized "huh, with a little effort here we could probably eat X's lunch"
Beyond that you at most get toy systems from enthusiasts and grad students (same group?) ...
You’d be surprised! Everywhere I’ve worked, academic or industry, typically writes their own simulation software. Sometimes it’s entirely handwritten (i.e., end-to-end, preprocessing to simulation to evaluation), sometimes it’ll leverage a pre-existing open source package. I imagine this will become more and more common if, for no other reason, you can’t back-propagate an OpticStudio project and open source automatic differentiation packages are unbeatable.
If you're interested in the equivalent of "backprop through zemax" there are a few projects going on to jointly optimize optical designs with the image processing, e.g. check out:
I've been working on something similar, although I'm more interested in replicating the effects of existing lenses than designing new ones:
PBRT 3rd edition actually has a great section on the topic but it's one of the parts that wasn't implemented for the GPU (by the authors, anyway):
I once saw a youtube video of a guy who first modeled a pinhole camera in something like Blender3D and then went on to design and simulate an entire SLR camera.
Thanks, but it was a different video.
I remember he had a lot of problems with the pinhole camera because the small size of the pinhole meant that rays had trouble going into the box, so to speak, and thus he needed an insane amount of rays.
I'd imagine there is fairly wide gap between having a simulation engine core and an useful engineering application
From academic side, I've found the work of Steinberg in this area extremely impressive. They are pushing the frontier to include more wave-optical phenomenon in the rendering. E.g.
Well, everyone who can build this niche software is already employed to build it.
I think you’re overthinking this, e.g., Zemax’s optimization isn’t that different than the ray-tracing presented in this book. The sophistication truly comes from the users.
Yeah, perhaps.
But the heavy-hitters in this field all seem to have very old-timey UI's and out-of-this-world pricing.
Meanwhile, raytracing for computer graphics on GPU's is soooo performant-- it makes me wonder how much work needs to be done to make the equivalent of KiCAD for optical design.
You're missing the point. The difficulty is not in the ray tracing, etc. It is in understanding the domain of the software and what needs to be done to make it useful.
I completely agree that whatever simulation they have can be easily done better with modern GPUs.
> eye-wateringly expensive
For you. Anyone doing design and manufacturing of optics will not blink at paying for software.
" I wonder how much work would be involved for someone to make optical design software that blows away the old tools"
Depending on use case, it already exists for gem cutters. We can simulate everything from RI to fluorescence excitation.
I predict PBR is going to fall to neural rendering. Diffusion models have been shown to learn all of the rules of optics and shaders, and they're instructable and generalizable. It's god mode for physics and is intuitive for laypersons to manipulate.
We're only at the leading edge of this, too.
Can you link the neural rendering animation you're talking about with some info on the total rendering times without any precomputation?